Happy Thanksgiving!


One of the biggest holidays of the year…Uum, no wait!…probably the biggest holiday of the year, is today! Well, at least in the northern hemisphere. Oh, hold on, make that the corner of that part of the world which is the United States of America :)

You see, today is the Thanksgiving holiday; the celebration of the Pilgrims making it through their first winter (albeit with the help of the Indians otherwise, believe me, those guys would have perished in a nano second. I have experienced the Massachusetts snow, sleet and nose bleeding cold and it is not for the fainthearted, those without a puffer or anyone with hat-hair issues :) )

Inessa Stewarts

Tinerate, Thanksgiving is bigger than Ben Hur in the States, and, before you even ask, yes, it also outranks Christmas day. Maybe not the cheer of Christmas and definitely not the decoration but in general ranking of the family ‘get-together’ status, Turkey Day is the one that is the traditional gathering of the nearest and dearest. The one held most closely to the heart of the patriotic American.

Personally, I love the holiday. ( I also love Christmas but more on that one later :) ) Not only is it a wonderful excuse to invite all the rellys over and get the whole gang together, but the day requires no stress of present exchange …(and the whole wondering if the terribly on-trend niece is really going to like the what is in your mind, completely TD New York hip purse you have given them. No polite thank you’s to be had when secretly one is already wondering just what am I going to do with this? Or worse, now who can I re-gift this to without getting busted :) )… and is completely about coming together to enjoy each others company over good (if traditionally basic) food and wine. Actually, read a complete feast! Soo in line with my idea of a great night out :)

Anyhoo, this year AP and I are celebrating the holiday in Australia which of course, does not officially recognise the day (why should they? It’s an American celebration!) but in the ‘any excuse for a party’ country, we have decided to acknowledge the day with a Friendsgiving celebration. And have even coerced the family to join us for dinner the night before even though it is a ‘school’ night so we are really milking the holiday that is not a holiday in a country where it is not even recognised let alone celebrated :) )

Oy Vey…to all who are celebrating, Happy Thanksgiving!

Till next time.

Tipsy Pipsy xo

PS. Should you be looking for some more exceptional ideas for decorating the table, head over to diys.com