Pack the Picnic!

Is a favourite fantasy pastime of yours the good old-fashioned ‘spread the blanket on the lawn,’ picnic? Now, I say fantasy because, in reality, that is often all it ends up being!

As much as I love the whole gathering of supplies in a wicker handled basket and transporting it to some glorious flower-filled meadow where I am able to wile away the afternoon sprawled on a checkered rug that lies on some grassy knoll, sun in my face, magazine in hand and birds serenading in the background, unfortunately it is not often that this dream scene plays out. Absolutely no feasible explanation as to why this might be except, perhaps, lack of planning. Hmm, need to whip out the ical and reassess my organisational skills :)

But wait! (hey, it’s me … of course there’s more :) ) I take all that back! Why? Because over this last weekend AP and I hauled the picnic supplies from the back of the cupboard right next to the very smart BBQ utensils that have never been used (don’t know why cos all the bits are there – tongs, skewers … the lot! – and we do fire up the grill every once in a while. Mm, mystery… ) and off we set into the wild woods of VT (okay, national park that you have to pay to get in to and in which there are soo many others with the like intentions it then becomes a struggle to find an open patch of ground not already occupied!)

Anyhoo, getting amongst mother nature and all her wonders is such a rejuvenation of the soul. A real natural high for the spirit you might say as realisation of just how fabulous the great outdoors really is hits home yet again.


From the babbling brook (I cliche you not :) ) to the inquisitive doe (again, no story) ‘she’ astounds and delights whilst all the while refreshing mind and body even if one is not consciously aware of the transformations taking place.

Don’t you always come back inside feeling invigorated after a day with the wind in your face? I know I do :)

Till next time.

Tipsy Pipsy xo