To Brunch or Linner…

So, all my recent breakfast excitement has got me focusing on those two more obscure meals that seem to have evolved into our eating habits…the Brunch and Linner!


Yes! Linner!!! That meal between lunch and dinner when a empty tummy is growling and begging :)

Anyhoo, to be fair, it seems that it is the Brunch that has become a mainstay and that poor ole Linner is a bit of an afterthought. Almost a bit like trying too hard :)

Tinerate, we seem to do Brunch exceedingly well…maybe because Brunch often seems to encroach on the time of day that should, if being a stickler about it, be the time that Linner is kicking in??? Mmm, thinkinging…thinking…

Joy Cho/Oh Joy
Joy Cho/Oh Joy

And because Brunch is really a weekend activity, and the weekends are slower more relaxed than the school day, it means that we often loll our way through the breakfast hours so that meal is out. We are primped and preened by mid morning and ready to roll but its not quite lunch, sooo, guess what…Brunch is born.


Then…We are already brunching by the time it’s luncheon. Brunch is barely over when we could be lingerly Linnering… And then when Brunch is done and the dishwasher stacked and hunger sets in…bam…we are already at dinner. Exhausting I know but tis what it is to be a Foodie :)



Till next time.

Tipsy Pipsy xo



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