New Orleans Jazz & Heritage

It is a temperate still night and I am lying in bed being serenaded by the dulcet tones of Dean Martin. Well, its not actually Mr Martin and it’s not specifically a concert just for me…You see I am in New Orleans for a few days and (as per custom but notched up a little at the minute so I’m told which, BTW, makes me wonder just how over-the-top normal is in this town??? ) the whole city is in melody mode buzzing to the beat of the The Big Easy Jazz Festival and my hotel room overlooks the very happening Bourbon Street so I am getting a free ticket to pretty much everything that is going on in this weird and wonderful place :)


Whilst I am loving the all day (and night!!!) background melodious murmur, I have surprised myself by becoming completely intrigued by the architectural heritage of the French Quarter.



It’s sooo different to anything else I have experienced in this country that I honestly feel like I am no longer in the States. Talking to an Italian group of visitors last night, apparently I am not the only one!





I mean, I knew it was old and had very strong associations with Europe but actually being here, plopped in the middle of mainstream mayhem and madness, is a very different experience; it’s just sooo unlike the parts of the US I know. (Not in a bad way. Just different.)



Tinerate, it’s not just the exteriors and fabulous laneways (more on that later :) ) that I am loving, its also the sensational interiors! Take this pressed iron roof with vintage ball chandelier; all the gas lighting original and in place well before the trend took off for the rest of us.

IMG_3448Anyhoo, I have got so much more that I want to share with you about this fabulous totally-out-there place that I have decided that this will be only Part One of my big adventure to NOLA. Stay tuned for Part Two :)

Till next time.

Tipsy Pipsy xo

PS. Now here’s a classic example of what I’m talking about…if not for the pick-up truck, I could easily be across the pond :)


:) :) :)