Soggy Supper!

There is probably nothing more dismal than wet weather in the city: any city!

While it can be nurturing, perhaps even comforting, when visiting the rolling hills of all things rural and ensconced inside a divine little ivy Cotswolds-ish cottage, roaring open fire licking at the toes, it is an e-n-t-i-r-e-l-y different story when trudging the asphalt streets of a metropolis!

It doesn’t really seem to matter if decked out in raincoat and Wellingtons with brolly in hand, getting caught in the rain in town is still very rarely a pleasant experience.

I mean the already crowded footpaths suddenly become a moving mass of umbrellas making it virtually impossible to tack the crowds which, in all reality, is most probably the least of the worries cos the biggie now is to safeguard against having an eye poked out by a wayward umbrella that has transformed in to its alter ego … drum roll Austin Powers style please … the Weapon :) (sometimes by default but depending on the city, the mood and the density of rainfall contributing to such, this can also be a ploy to manoeuvre the tight spaces of the soggy sidewalk.)

Then there’s the puddles! Lots of them! Mainly encountered as stepping off the kerb to cross the road and almost always requiring a wide wide berth. Interesting how we all take such an arc when passing them by but then one never does know how deep they are and who says there can’t be sink holes in the city? :) )

So already I’m wet, dodging brollies and that’s before the trash of the street whips at my feet, brushing my legs as the wind carries it through the Avenues, leaving a black muddy mess across my clean jeans. Not the best look when about to hit the D&D Building; just a smidge of judgement going on in that place and thats only in the lift :) Oy Vey…

And, as for foot-traffic-passing-vehicle-road-splash…Mmm, best not to get me started :) but I will say that the worst culprits are not the buses; the cabs also have a lot to answer for! Pitiful right…a bit of moisture and it all comes apart :)

Anyhoo, isn’t it funny how a soggy grey day can all be made better with a welcoming table and a warming hearth :)

Till next time.

Tipsy Pipsy xo

PS. Couldn’t resist; just love my birds :)