Long Haulin’


I have been on the road a bit of late (and in the air as well :) ) and it got me to pondering the loads of fascinating people I have been lucky enough to cross paths with. And some of whom I even still keep in touch!


I know many a friend who refuses to begin dialogue with fellow traveller …for fear they will be stuck with a complete incompatible companion for the duration of the trip (and its not called Long Haul flights for nothing!) …but for me, it’s just a matter of setting my travel radar and enjoying the ride :)


Like this flight, when I am sitting there, head bent over my iPad, minding my own business and… I meet Captain MS who flies ‘my’ route regularly. We got talking about the taxing moments of the 15 hour flight and the creature in-flight comforts that wonderfully almost eliminated all that! I came away with business card in hand and, as with everything, an understanding that the same rule of who one knows versus what, is applicable whether in air or on ground :)


And take my last globetrotting trek …(yes, the one when I also met RF, the chap who was off to Ascot. Mmm, didn’t realise how perky cheerful I obviously was. Ooo, do hope I wasn’t too chatty…Anyhoo, apologies to anyone who I may have overchat! (new word :) ) …but back to my last trip when I was be-friended by life-loving-live-in-the-moment J whose last name I regretfully didn’t catch. J, a very sprightly silver haired sole owner of a hugely successful horse stud just out of Sydney, shared confidences that she didn’t much like to travel but was meeting friends in New York for a girls week ‘to get them off my back,’ ‘don’t much like to shop and never keep up with the trends,’ (I’m not believing any of that though as her Qantas luggage tags were the black of the Chairman’s Club and her three pristine suitcases all Rimova :)  ) and, ‘I’m filled with metal due to a lifetime of riding and falling off horses!’ ‘None of it killed me though and I would do it all over again’ she laughingly confided in a spirit that was indicative of why she had been such a success. There was no keeping this bionic woman down…Apparently she even had some kind of plate in her head. Basically J just wanted someone who looked like they knew what they were doing :) to hold her hand through transit. Good news is, we all wafted through security x-ray.

Okay…So if talking about people I’ve had the good fortune to meet over my flying years (and there I go stating the obvious again! But stay with me, its worth it :) ) there is WA who was a freelance Aussie photographer living in NYC but heading back home after a few disillusioning career setbacks. Her highlight though, and it’s a biggie, was that she had just – and I do mean just – finished a campaign in Copenhagen shooting no other than Queen Mary for Women’s Weekly.


She had got to hang out with Mary…was on a first name basis…even became friendly with her kids who apparently asked for her every morning. Howzat for bragging rights :)

Tinerate, WA was feeling anxious about her future but honestly, with credits like that and an obviously great eye, I’m guessing her world has continued to be viewed through a rose coloured lens :)


Anyhoo, there are tons of travel tales to be told…

Till next time.

Tipsy Pipsy xo