Traditional Toss & the Classical Tabletop

Easter is a time of tradition. Make that tradition and family…Actually…tradition, family and a elegantly classic tabletop. Well, for me it is anyway :)

The Enchanted Home

Old family traditions passed down from so long ago that no one is sure how they originated anymore. (Hmm, maybe one of my rellies does know? Why am I thinking that they might? Thinking…Thinking…Tinerate, cousins if you do, please tell.)

Anyhoo, I’m talking traditions way beyond the bunny face painting, Easter bilby or kids squealing at the top of their lungs as they dart around the back yard in fierce competition for that chocolate sugar-rush prize.

In our clan its the ritual of the Easter Egg Toss. So legendary is this tradition that it has almost become an unofficial rite of passage for inductees into the family.  Practically a way to gauge the seriousness of the relationship…If included, it’s anticipated there will be many more tossed eggs to come!

So what is it? It’s a game for all ages…grey haired Ma, cheery dads, flighty aunts, diva daughters, rebellious teens, bored tweens, cheeky toddlers…held after the main meal. The way the game is played is that everyone assembles into a giant circle and the Matriarch of the family has the honour of the first toss.

Easter Egg Toss
Easter Egg Toss

The giant egg must be tossed around carefully from person to person for the first two rounds of the circle, after that, the rules are there are no rules. The aim is to not drop the egg. Not as easy as it sounds you see as the egg can now suddenly come from any direction. Your brother may throw it to you, you to your niece and the niece flies it back at you from across the other side of the circle. Not expecting that right! Or the nephew and his sister may decide it is a big giggle to lob it back and forth between them until others are off guard and then suddenly turn and fling it to their aunt standing behind them. All fair in this highly statistical game that relies on speed, strength and strategy :)

Depending on how many family are playing, there may be two giant eggs participating in the toss…

Easter Egg Toss
Easter Egg Toss

or even four…all of which raises the stakes!

Easter Egg Toss Colossal Eggs
Easter Egg Toss Colossal Egg

Then once the egg is dropped and shattered, its time for chocolate and tea…lots of chocolate and tea :)

Rose Hip Sussex

So what are your family traditions…do share.

Till next time.

Tipsy Pipsy xo




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