Okay, so I do totally understand that Christmas is now almost a good week behind us but as it only happens once a year, please allow me the indulgence of basking in the glow of its glorious feel-good vibe for just the one more post (and table)

It is such a wonderful time of the year…an occasion that seems to sweep us all up into the magic of the season. And to be sure, it’s not just the decorations…there is a real sentiment that is only apparent at this time. Kindness. Appreciation. Family. Love. And goodwill towards fellow man (or woman!) Such a pity that all these wonderful attributes are so prominently evident but once a year.
Soo, in celebration of my extended Christmas, I wanted to talk about the tree. Yes! That little ol’e shrub that’s the epicentre of the festivities in most households (with lighting running a pretty tight second )
Anyhoo, we go to such lengths to adorn our Christmas tree whether it be with lights…



or, and you have to love this…fruit!!!

Flipping through Veranda mag (one of my favourites) and found this tree by floral designer Michael Putnam. So much fun! Even though this tree is in upstate New York, I think this theme would work really well in the Southern Hemisphere, especially in a beach house. Although having said that, there are soo many great beachy themes to be done with shells, starfish, sand that may be just too hard to pass up. Mmm, let me think about that one…
Anyhoo, back to the tree…The tree is such a dominating feature of the season and then once its over, it just gets tossed on the sidewalk like discarded trash which I guess is how a lot of mind sets see it. Not me. It nearly breaks my heart to see all these pretty little bursts of wonderful nature tossed with carefree abandon.
And it looks like it happens the world over…
In my book, not a very dignified demise for the Christmas Centrepiece . I prefer a happy ending…
Till next time.
Tipsy Pipsy xo