This week seems to be full of decisions for me…What to do with the holiday table?…Done. Is it bad form to re-gift?… Done (Took my cue from a pro ) And now, how to ring in the New Year!!! All crushing first world problems
Tinerate, the countdown is on and I am sooo excited
Now 2015 was definitely not my year. You see, this year was full of way too much heartache. Way too many learning curves. Way too much angst. And way too many goodbyes.
Anyhoo, as it is said, we are never given more than we can handle and one only comes back stronger. Not such a bad place to be at
This eve of the new year is a time of reflection for me. A time that I am using to let go of things that have not been working in my life, no matter how precious I always supposed them to be. And a time for setting new goals, new alliances, new experiences. Can’t wait
Solara writes:
The time between Christmas and the beginning of the New Year is a time of reflection. It’s a Sacred Pause when we can look back on the year…and can see clearly the massive changes we have been through and be grateful for them, while letting go…
We can also begin to gather together the seeds which we want to plant in the New Year. What do we want to grow?
It is a blank canvas filled with opportunities and choices
A wonderful tradition that friends of mine have for the New Years Eve is to build a bonfire, write a list of regrets from the year and toss it in to the fire before midnight. Then make another list of their dreams, hopes, desires for the new year, read it aloud and when the new year is in its infancy, toss that in to the flame. It’s their cleansing and rebirth ritual
Anyhoo, Time Out New York magazine says, there’s a lot of pressure to have a good time on New Year’s Eve and I gotta say, I agree! What to do? Where to go? Who to see? And the biggie, which outfit do I wear
Wishing you and your loved ones…
Till next time,
Tipsy Pipsy xo
P.S. I’ve just noticed all the little smiley faces bobbing about this post like champagne bubbles. Sorry about that