Hit Refresh!


I was up before the birds this morning and was surprised at how dark it was. Yes, in just a matter of a few short weeks, its gone from being completely ‘bing’ eyes-wide-open-sun-pouring-in-the-window light at 5.30 in the morning to black. Well, breaking light. No, actually make that barely breaking light.


When I mentioned this little travesty to AP (hate to get out of bed when it is still dark which yep, pretty much makes me a bear…read, hibernator…for most of winter :)  ) he casually stated that as a kid growing up in the States, they’d always considered summer over by July 4th.

North Lights
North Lights

Say what??? Over??? But I’m in the midst of a Summer Fling


Done and Dusted??? I find this hard to believe, especially when everyone talks about the dog days of August. Or maybe that is just NYC??? Does any one know the answer to that one????

Anyhoo…and July 4th is kind of sort of smack bang in the middle of what is traditionally considered to be the ‘season.’ Yes I do understand that the solstice has occurred and to some, maybe that feels like a looong time ago now but, tinerate, still all very surprising to me.

And then on the weekend, out on the golf course, enjoying the most incredible sunny summer weather, some kill-joy starts ramping on about how now that July 4th is over, the summer is almost over. Really. I mean r-u-h-e-e-l-y???


Mmm, I’d always considered the summer being over in September. You know, when the ads for kids going back to school hit the telly, and then the kids actually do go back to school and the air gets a little bit chillier, the days a little shorter. Oh wait! I guess the days are getting shorter. That’s the whole reason for todays post :) (Note to self, concentrate!!! :) )

Still, those shorter days have just sneaked up on me…hadn’t even realised we were gearing up for the Fall. Oy Vey, where have I been???

But anyhoo, thinking about it and now, looking outside, yes, the burning bush does have a few hints of leaves changing. No denying it, there is a small but visible with the naked eye (no camera :) ) tinge of red.

(And, just an aside, SC who has spent the last few months frolicking on the beach at the Cape, did mention that it was getting quieter! )


Tinerate, don’t you just want to put summer in a bottle and hit refresh? I know I’m not ready for the season to be over. Nevertheless…sadly…it looks like it might almost be time to bring the party back indoors…


Till next time.

Tipsy Pipsy xo

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