Roaming the Roses


Roses are red, violets are blue; I think that I’m in love with the view :) Yes! I’ve tripped through the garden and the amazing bursts of blooms has gone straight to my head.


In all directions I look, there are roses of red, white, and blue e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e!!! Okay, maybe not blue, but definitely red, white and everywhere!


At the moment, there is currently the most spectacular (well, in my little ‘ole opinion) displays simply everywhere I wander. Almost every front yard, back garden and street corner is alive with the most vibrant parade of roses, nearly all with the most intoxicating scent. Really does make it terribly tempting to throw commitments to the wind and dilly-dally smelling the petals :)


Friend EF, suggested that this wonderful foray of foliage is due to the long and exhaustingly wet winter that Adelaide has had this year (which makes me think it is a good thing I missed it for the most part! Very fortunate to be able to come back to enjoy the outcome of the drizzle days though :) )


Tinerate, apparently the relentless rain followed by a teasing of Spring before going back for still more cold was enough to shake things up in the world of all things flowery and, Tah-daa…C’est magnifique!


These beautiful stems are peeping through wrought iron fences, almost cheekily asking one to take a whiff…


Swaying in the gentle breeze from the lofty heights of a sun kissed arbor adorning an entranceway…


Climbing up over cottages like a sketch taken from the page of a romantic english novel, all whimsical purity…


Standing taller than small trees (and me!) to form a beautiful natural privacy shade for a home…


Dressing up the paths into a pretty corridor more fitting of a bride…


Stretching as high as possible to peep over the railing; maybe checking to see if the grass really is greener on the the other side of the fence :)


And I simply have to mention the fabulous showing of roses, all kinds of roses, that are blossoming on our roadside kerbs. A little bit of a distraction when driving but c’est la vie, haven’t hit anything yet :)  (note to self; concentrate!)


And look, I even found a blue rose :) (It might just be purple but I’m opting for the cooler hue; far more exotic to have a ice-block coloured rose in the front garden!)


Anyhoo, so now I just have to get up to the Outback where talk is that the wildflowers are simply stunning this year. Especially, they say, around Lake Eyre which is also holding water for one of the first time in many years. Ooo, gotta love a sun burnt country… :)

So doo tell…Are you too just loving the fabulous nature display courtesy of Mrs Rose Thorn???

Till next time.

Tipsy Pipsy xo

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