Table & Tree!


Eek! Is there really only four short days till Christmas??? Or less??? So much to do, so little time!!! How can this be??? :)


Every year I vow to be organised for the Holidays…like, r-e-a-l-l-y organised…at least a week before Thanksgiving so I can enjoy the silly season as it should be enjoyed (you know, champagne, late nights and little responsibility :) ) and yet every year I tend to find myself in  the same state of tardiness predicament. I know!!! Ridiculous right. I guess it’s just a learning curve I still haven’t had the ability to manoeuvre with any kind of expertise as yet. Oy Vey…


Well, I may not be at all organised in the gift-giving department (yes, at this moment it looks like that midnight run to Macy’s on Christmas Eve :) ) but ideas for my table have been bopping about in my head for ages and now it’s just a matter of whittling it down to a few choices and then seeing which one inspires me closer to the day. (Mmm, interesting observational note to self…obviously works better under the stress of a deadline. Did not know that :) )


Anyhoo, even this method of selection is not as easy as it sounds though as the tricky thing is that I think I’m all sorted and then, completely out of left field, I find more inspiration and suddenly get a flood of what I think are brilliant ideas :) with every new tree and table I see.


Right when I have absolutely definitely convinced myself that pink would never-ever-do-not-even-consider-it work at Christmas (truly love a pop of pink :) Tickled Pink) I wander into a whole parade of pinkness…


I know!!! A fantasyland of lollipop loveliness :)


And then on a wave of nostalgia, I err right back to the tune of traditionalism…


I just love how almost anything goes when it comes to the tree and table and the only real limitation is the imagination (oh, and maybe occasionally confidence; there are just some things we are simply not going to do if any threat at all of being judged by the dear old silver-haired Aunty)


Tinerate, if any hope of being ready and with the clock ticking, its nigh time to get a wiggle on.

Till next time.

Tipsy Pipsy xo